Rape and Sexual Assault

Recovering from rape or any form of sexual assault can be a long journey, many people have found that counselling helps them to process their thoughts and feelings and to heal. If you are a victim/survivor may I commend your courage in taking what can be the hardest step, acknowledging you need support.

There are many myths around rape and sexual assault so let me say

  • Anyone, of any class, race, gender or sexual orientation can be a victim
  • Anyone, of any class, race, gender or sexual orientation can be a perpetrator.
  • You are not to blame for your assault, dress, intoxication, behaviour or previous sexual history do not excuse ignoring your right to say no
  • There does not have to be violence
  • You can be sexually assaulted by a partner, wife or husband
  • I believe you

We live in a culture where “I believe you” is a radical statement, and one many victims/survivors are longing to hear. Counselling is a space where you can tell your story, reclaim your body, and start to, or continue the process or healing. Some people may return to therapy as life events reopen the wounds, others may carry their assault as a secret for many years, until finally they feel able to reach out for help.

Some people find it difficult to talk about what has happened to them, fearing blame, feeling ashamed, this can be especially hard if they have been hurt by a partner or loved one. Counselling is a safe, confidential space, often the first one people have experienced where they have not felt judged. I have specific training in working with the survivors of rape and sexual assault, and experience of accompanying clients of different genders and sexualities in their journey towards healing.

If you would like to discuss counselling for rape or sexual assault you can contact me on northumberlandcounselling@gmail.com or  07442808719

Support can also be found at Rape Crisis UK  or Survivors Manchester (for cis and trans male survivors)

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