Exciting times ahead!

I have written frequently about the need for better training and regulation of counselling and the talking therapies in general. This has however left me with a dilemma. Whilst I attend those conferences and training events I can, in order to develop my understanding and knowledge, of among other things, gender, relationship and sexual diversity, furthering my practice in more depth seemed to be an impossible goal living so far from London.

However, never say never, as someone very wise once said. This month I start the Pink Therapy Post Graduate Diploma in Gender, Sexual and Relationship Diversity. The only course of it’s kind in the world it looks at issues from both a theoretical and practical perspective, aiming to ensure that queer, kinky, poly, and other sexual, gender and relationship minorities have the experienced and well qualified therapists they deserve.

I have to admit to my excitement, and am aware of the huge privileges involved in being able to embark on this new adventure. Working with my clients I grow more and more aware that in their strength, courage and wisdom, they deserve the best counsellors they could have, and I hope to be able to live up to the example they set me daily.

I am reminded of one of my favourite quotes;


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